Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting 2024

The Annual General Meeting of NFON AG, headquartered in Munich, took place on June 28, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact our Investor Relations team.

Phone: +49 89 45300 449


The documents are available in German and English. In the event of deviations, the German version is binding.

  • The explanatory report in accordance with Sections 289a (1) and 315a (1) HGB can be found on page 70 of the Annual Report 2023.

  • AGM 2023
  • AGM 2022
  • AGM 2021
  • AGM 2020
  • AGM 2019
  • Extraordinary AGM 2019


  • Invitation Annual General Meeting 2023

  • Table A - F

  • Explanation of agenda item 1

  • Explanation of agenda item 8

  • Report of the Supervisory Board see Annual Report 2022 p. 5

  • Remuneration report 2022

  • Annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements as well as the combined management report for NFON AG and the Group as of Dec. 31, 2022

  • Explanatory report according to §§ 289a para. 1, 315a para. 1 HGB:
    See Annual Report 2022 p. 51

  • Form for Voting by Proxy of them Company

  • Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convocation

  • Notes on the rights of shareholders

  • Notes on data protection

  • Remuneration System for Supervisory Board Members

  • Remuneration System for Management Board Members

  • Statutes

  • Resumes of the members of the Supervisory Board

The General Meeting of NFON AG Munich took place on 24 August 2022, 10:00 (CET).


  • Invitation Annual General Meeting 2022

  • Table A - F

  • Explanation of agenda item 1

  • Report of the Supervisory Board see Annual Report 2021 p. 17

  • Profit and loss transfer agreement between the Company and Deutsche Telefon Standard GmbH (available only in German)

  • Joint report of the Board of Management of NFON AG and the management of Deutsche Telefon Standard GmbH prepared in accordance with Section 293 a AktG.

  • Annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements as well as the combined management reports for NFON AG and the Group as of Dec. 31, 2019, Dec. 31, 2020 and Dec. 31, 2021

  • 2019: Report|Notes

  • 2020: Report|Notes

  • 2021: Report|Notes

  • Remuneration Report 2021 (only in German for information in English, please see Invitation)

  • Annual financial statements and management reports for Deutsche Telefon Standard GmbH as of Dec. 31, 2019, Dec. 31, 2020 and Dec. 31, 2021 (available only in German)

  • Form for postal or electronic absentee ballot

  • Form power of attorney to third parties

  • Form for Voting by Proxy of the Company

  • Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convocation

  • Notes on the rights of shareholders

  • Notes on data protection

  • Remuneration System for Management Board Members

  • Remuneration System for Supervisory Board Members

  • NFON AG Board Speech (courtesy translation)

  • Voting Results Overview

The General Meeting of NFON AG Munich took place on 24 June 2021 at 10:00 a.m. as a virtual Annual General Meeting.


  • Voting Results 2021

  • NFON AG Invitation AGM 2021

  • NFON AG Invitation AGM 2021 (Table 3)

  • NFON AG Group Financial Report 2020

  • NFON AG Financial Report 2020 Notes

  • NFON AG Report of the Supervisory Board 2020

  • NFON AG Report of the Management Board

  • NFON AG Explanations on Item 1

  • NFON AG Remuneration system for Management Board members

  • NFON AG Remuneration system members of the Supervisory Board

  • NFON AG Management Report item 7

  • NFON AG Management Report item 9

  • NFON AG Explanations on the shareholder rights

  • NFON AG Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convenin

  • NFON AG Form for postal or e-mail voting

  • NFON AG Proxy instructions to the companies voting representatives

  • NFON AG Form to grant a proxy

  • NFON AG Data protection notice

  • Resumes of the members of the Supervisory Board

The General Meeting of NFON AG Munich took place on 28 May 2020 at 10:00 a.m. as a virtual Annual General Meeting.


  • Financial Statement 2019

  • Annual Report NFON AG (Notes)

  • Invitation and agenda

  • Explanation on item 1

  • Form for Posting and E-Mail Voting

  • Total numbers of shares and voting rights

  • Shareholder Rights

  • Proxy voting by representatives of the company

  • Form for proxy voting

  • Privacy information for shareholders

  • Notes on data protection

  • Voting results

  • Speech of the Management Board

The Annual General Meeting of NFON AG took place on 5 June 2019 at 10:00 a.m. in the Mercedes Tower, 13th floor, Arnulfstr. 61, 80636 Munich, Germany.


  • Invitation and agenda

  • Annual report 2018

  • Report of the supervisory board

  • Explanations acc. section 124a (1) no. 2 AktG

  • Report of the Executive Board on item 5

  • Counter-motion A of Mr. Friedrich Bourquin regarding ITEM 5

  • Information on the rights of shareholders

  • Total numbers of shares and voting rights

  • Template power of attorney

  • Privacy information for shareholders

  • Notes on data protection

  • Proxy voting by representatives of the company

  • Voting results

  • Speech by the Management Board

The Extraordinary General Meeting of NFON AG Munich took place on 12 December 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at Bayerische Börse Karolinenplatz 6 80333 Munich


  • Invitation and agenda

  • Report of the Executive Board on item 2

  • CV Florian Schuhbauer

  • CV Guenter Mueller

  • Shareholder Rights

  • Total numbers of shares and voting rights

  • Privacy information for shareholders

  • Proxy voting by representatives of the company

  • Form for proxy voting

  • Voting Results

  • Remuneration System for Supervisory Board Members